Richie Norton

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Richie Norton and Natalie Norton


I love this picture of me and my girl, Natalie, on the day we got married. This picture has a little “sepia tone lovin” to it. (Thanks for the lyrics Jack — that’s one of our favorite songs. Quick side story: back in Hawaii, our kids were in swimming lessons with Jack Johnson’s son. It was a “mommy/daddy-and-me” type class, so every day, we were in the pool with Jack and his son. We had NO idea who he was until someone mentioned it to us a few weeks into lessons. It was cool getting to know him outside of his “celebrity status.” He’s just as laid back and down to earth as you’d imagine.)

Sorry the quality of the picture isn’t better. It’s a picture of a picture from my cell phone. Hopefully Nat has a better copy somewhere. But, either way, it doesn’t really matter, because while pictures may fade, our love is stronger than ever. Ha! (So sappy, I know, but I’m completely serious. I love her now more than ever before.)

Well, well, well. . . these posts about lessons learned from our marriage have become my most shared/popular posts. What does that mean??? This is, after all, not a blog about love and marriage, but who cares. Right? I’ve loved adding to this series over the years, so I’m really glad you have loved reading it as well.

New here? Get caught up on past installments in the “How To Be Happily Married” series below:



Note: This is more of a post for me and Nat. I’m not being “preachy.” I’m not a marriage counselor. I don’t have a degree in family therapy. I’m just a married dude, and this post is a reflection of my experience. . . well, as a married dude. Of course, we have our own set of problems. EVERY couple does, and I would certainly never try to hide that fact. Life is freakin’ insane.  But this isn’t a post about what hasn’t worked for Nat and I, it’s a post about what has. And I sincerely hope that what I share here can help you reflect on your own life and work toward creating a strong, happy marriage as well!


I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on a happy marriage below. As a little 12th anniversary gift, I’ll send a copy of The Power of Starting Something Stupid to three people (chosen at random) who comment below. If you already have a book, you can give it away and make someone happy. In any case, we’re all in this life-business together, and we need to lean on one another for support. So please, share your thoughts, struggles and successes in the comments below. Everyone in this online community I host here will benefit from your thoughts. Your insights may just be the thing that helps save or strengthen someone else’s marriage. We never really know how far our influence goes.


#12. Shut up and listen (guys).

Listening IS the answer. Let me repeat that in case you weren’t listening. Listening IS the answer. Don’t jump in and try to save the day in the middle of a crucial conversation. Nine times out of an even ten, she just needs to share the story. Don’t worry about why that is. It’s just the way it is. When you try to “solve her problem,” you may just make things worse. You may just make her feel as though her problem is simple and if she would only _______ everything would be fine. She doesn’t need that. She is coming to you for comfort and validation. She is coming to you to  be reminded that she’s not in “it” alone.

Again—first, listen. Then, make sure she understands that you understand. Then, if necessary, offer some new ideas— but only if she wants them.  Remember, when you listen intently, and make her feel understood, you’ve usually already given her exactly what she needs.

#11. Praise each other (everyday).

Just today, Nat told me how much she appreciated a couple little things I did around the house. When I did those little things, I didn’t even think anything of it. However, because she pointed it out, not only did it validate what I was doing, it encouraged me to want to do more. Praise doesn’t have to come in the form of big gifts. And praise shouldn’t be withheld until a “special time.” Every time is a special time. Give praise openly and often–even with the little things–and watch the magic happen. Praise-giving creates a virtuous, upward spiral of good feelings towards one another and encourages additional kindness and additional acts of love.

#10. Respect each other (always).

Could respect be more important than love? Could respect be the ultimate form of love? “Love” is so arbitrary. People fall into love and they fall out of love. But respect? Respect is different. Respect is ongoing. Don’t worry about respect being “earned.” If you chose to marry him or her, that respect has ALREADY been earned. Respect THAT. All the bickering, back-biting and snarky attitudes would disappear if we remembered to respect one another. If you’re having some issues, ask yourself if you’re doing your part to respect your spouse. Of course, it goes both ways. However, a good rule of thumb is to respect first and you’ll naturally be respected in return.

#9. Get together and away from it all (often).

Remember what it was like dating? You could get away from everything else and just be together. I understand that with work, a mortgage, kids, school, debt, etc, that things are different now. But don’t let all those “responsibilities” get in the way of your most important responsibility—your spouse. Break away from the grind (together) at least once a week.

#8. Have some freaking fun (fo realz).

What in the world? Why do couples get so BOOOOORING? Way to suck the life out of life, people! What does fun look like for Nat and me? Blasting the radio to a fun song in the car. Impromptu dance parties in the grocery store. Jumping on the trampoline with the kids. Playing the guitar and screaming loud enough to wake up the babies next door. Messing with the karaoke app on our phones. Weekend get aways. Having lunch together. “Candy Friday” —we have a family tradition to buy a bunch of candy and popcorn and have movie night with the family on Fridays (then we limit or eliminate sugar and junk food intake the rest of the week). It’s the little things, guys. Big things are cool too. But if there’s not a little spark in your day-to-day, a little spring in your step, you’re missing out on some good times.

#7. Fill your phone with pictures of your spouse.

Soooooo, this one sounds a little weird. But it’s awesome. Nat and I have a collection of selfies we’ve taken together all over the world. Imagine how fun it would be to see selfies of your parents or grandparents together at different times of their lives? It’s cool. We also always take a picture together at the airport before one of us travels. We’ll post them to instagram or we’ll just text them to each other. Your phone should be filled with pictures of your spouse. It’s good to have a constant reminder that you carry around with you of what (or who) comes first in your life. There’s a cool app called ChatBooks  (disclosure: my sister works there and this is NOT an affiliate link) where you can put pictures together and turn them into a book. You can print 60 pictures in a book for on only $6 (you can also print your instagram feed). How cool would it be to have a little book of your own with pictures of each other together? Very cool.

#6. When the going gets tough, remember Tuckman’s stages of group development.

Never heard of it? Here you go. This is a model for understanding the development stages of a team (especially through times of change). This model has pulled us through many challenging times. Marriage is a team sport. Teams go through transitions. Here’s the stages of a team’s development that I want you to consider when you’re going through a “storm.” Here’s my own summary with quotes from Wikipedia. I’m going to put in the word “marriage” every time it says “team” to make it more relevant:

First you FORM. “In the first stage of [marriage] building, the forming of the [marriage] takes place. The individual’s behavior is driven by a desire to be accepted by the others, and avoid controversy or conflict.”

Then you STORM. “The storming stage is necessary to the growth of the [marriage]. It can be contentious, unpleasant and even painful to members of the [marriage] who are averse to conflict. Tolerance of each [marriage] member and their differences should be emphasized. Without tolerance and patience the [marriage] will fail.”

Then you NORM. “The [marriage] manages to have one goal and come to a mutual plan for the [marriage] at this stage. Some may have to give up their own ideas and agree with others to make the [marriage] function. In this stage, all [marriage] members take the responsibility and have the ambition to work for the success of the [marriage’s] goals.”

Then you PERFORM. “It is possible for some [marriages] to reach the performing stage. These high-performing [marriages] can function as a unit as they find ways to get the job done smoothly and effectively without inappropriate conflict or the need for external supervision.”

What does all this mean to a marriage? To me, in our family, if we are going through a “storm,” I first recognize that it is a storm and just a storm. That the storm is a natural part of the process to eventually “norming” and then “performing.” With that optimistic perspective in place, I don’t let myself dive into a sink hole of despair when a storm begins to rage. I don’t immediately assume it’s the end of the world. I remember that it’s normal, and it’s just part of the process of marriage and family life. A storm will happen whenever change (aka: something new) comes into our lives.

I know this is long and somewhat involved, but if you’re going to remember anything from this tip, remember this: the storm will pass! Search for a common goal, work together towards that goal,  and you and your spouse will come out better and stronger because of it.

#5. Read together.

Movies are an obvious choice when you want to spend time together. It’s easy. But have you ever tried reading together? It’s different. I generally read too fast. Nat can’t understand anything I’m saying. So, Natalie will read (non-fiction, fiction, or scripture) aloud, and I’ll listen. It’s like going back in time. Though, when I say that to Natalie, she rolls her eyes at me. But really, it’s like time traveling to one of those strange British movies where everyone sits around reading poetry to each other all day. Why would anyone want to do that? Especially in today’s day and age when we have TV, Internet and iPhones (for crying out loud)? I don’t know, honestly. But the bottom line is that it brings us closer together. Period. We stop and chat about what we’re reading. We get insights about life. We apply what we learn to our own lives. It’s interesting. I’m not gonna lie to you and say it’s the most fun thing in the world (I’m working on getting more excited about it, because Natalie LOVES it so much), but there is no doubt that it does bring us closer together as a couple. Give it a try.

#4. Take three deep breaths.

It’s so simple, yet so effective. In good times and bad, through thick and thin, remember to breathe. Seriously. Take at least three DEEP breaths whenever you start to feel anxious about something (anything). I don’t know what it is about breathing, but getting fresh oxygen to the brain is like magic. It clears emotions away and allows you to think more clearly, and it also gives you time to step back and reflect on the situation to ensure you make conscious, proactive, wise decisions moving forward (the alternative to which would be rash, regrettable, reactive decisions—so breathing deep is well advised, wouldn’t you say?). Take three deep, conscious breaths right now, and you’ll see what I mean.

#3. Serve each other.

Not like slave labor. Not with a chip on your shoulder. Not with animosity or a desire to prove one thing or another. Rather, look for ways to meaningfully serve one another. Find out your spouse’s love language (giftsquality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, or physical touch) and serve your spouse according to the love language that means most to him/her.

#2. Admire each other.

Don’t just love each other. Don’t just like each other. Don’t just respect each other. ADMIRE each other. Admiration is like loving and liking and respecting all wrapped together in one. Take a moment to think about (or actually list) the qualities you see in your spouse that make you admire him/her. What is it about your spouse that makes you look up to him/her? If you can both look up to each other, you’re gonna be okay, even when the going gets rougher than rough.

#1. Slow down.

Life’s short. Too short. And even though that saying is cliché, it doesn’t make it any less true. Ask anyone whose spouse has left this earth too soon. Life is precious.  It’s way too easy to get caught up in the busyness of life at the expense of the sweetness of spending down time together. So, slow down. I don’t mean you have to be less ambitious or dial down your goals. Quite the opposite. Set ambitious, aggressive, attainable goals to spend quality time with your spouse! Schedule it. And if that seems impossible, start by being PRESENT when you are together. Put down the phone. Turn off the TV. Put the computer away. Then sit and look each other in the eyes. Ask each other questions. Get to know each other all over again (and again, and again, and again). It’s worth it (every single time).


– I’ve created a 37-page action guide to help you get a personal project going. Consider applying the steps I outline to a “marriage project.” You can work on something fun that brings you and your spouse closer together!

– Get your free action guide here.

– Leave your comments below for your chance to win a copy of my book, The Power of Starting Something Stupid.

Written by on August 20, 2014 | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) Topics:




Natalie Norton

15 Comments post a comment
  1. Anson Service Aug 20th 8:47 am

    Love these tips. As far as I can see, you hit the nail on the head so precisely, with ninja-like skills, that it went through the board and went shooting out the other side into the wall behind it. I especially like the part about being a team. It has been a common theme among those whom I counsel that are divorced or on the verge of divorce that at some point they either stopped being a team or actually switched sides to be against the other. When a couple is for or against a mutual goal or cause they tend to become stronger. I am not necessarily a fan of a couple being against something together, but the phenomenon remains. It is when they start doing their own thing and start to have goals and desires that are not in harmony with the other, or when they develop or engage in activities that lead them in different directions that their relationship becomes endangered. This is when one of them claims to have “fallen out of love” or have “grown apart.” It’s true that a couple 12 years after marriage is not the same couple. They are not the same people. The point is to grow together like interweaving vines rather than apart. Sorry. Not trying to hijack your post. I just love what you wrote and when I like what people write I tend to be inspired to write as well. Thanks Richie. I am still going to have you out here sooner than later to speak. Rock on, my friend.

  2. Stacy Ahlgren Aug 20th 9:03 am

    I can thank you enough for all your words daily , you and your wife are insanely inspiring ! Happy anniversary and thanks for sharing some more amazing words I will put into play immediately :)

  3. Kostya Aug 20th 9:36 am

    Hey Bro! Congratulations! :) I wish you many happy years ahead together with Nat! I suppose you are going to publish a book on this subject on your 50th anniversary because it would be a lot of wisdom just for a blog post :)

    Thank you for these tips. I got married 2.5 years ago at the age of 23. And we expect a baby now. Me and my wife had the same background: divorced parents, broken hearts, single tired moms, lack of money. We didn’t have examples of happy families with strong faithful relationships between spouses, where kids love and respect their parents.

    By God’s grace I’ve met my wife when she was 16 at a christian kid summer camp. Our marriage is a covenant. It’s my main project and challenge. I want to make it right. I don’t want my kids to experience the same what we experienced. I always look for example and advice. And that’s where you and your beautiful family bring some light and guidance into my life :) Thank You!

    P.S.: When my wife browses your family pictures on social media she always asks: “Are they so happy in real life as I can see on their photos? If so, they have to be the happiest family on earth.”

  4. katrina Aug 20th 10:22 am

    I have always been following you and your wife’s blog and instagram and i have high respect to how you handle life. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for you being such great examples to everybody.

  5. Danielle Aug 20th 6:28 pm

    I love the part about respect. I think that we can often forget to respect our spouse whether in convo with others (either in joking or jest) or in front of our children when we might be arguing but you are right. If you still respect the other person than you wouldn’t find ways to pull them down or take a stab at them.

  6. Kristen roe Aug 20th 8:00 pm

    so much of marriage rests on out ability to choose grace. The world is a harsh place. A marriage should provide a soft landing spot as a counterbalance to the world outside. And in marriage, on emust always remember the love that was there, the love that started it all. What comes after- kids or the grief of no kids, career highs and lows, family drama, health or unhealth, these a true trials. Theareiage provides sustaining aupport through these trials . And in the end, fully believing with all of your heart that failure isn’t an option will bring you through the years where you will arrive at a life well loved, and lived.

  7. Dana Aug 20th 8:57 pm

    Happy anniversary Richie and Natalie! We just celebrated our 11th year, and I think what I love most about our marriage is the way that my husband is consistently there for me when things get hard (and hopefully he feels the same way about me, too.) I love your suggestion to read a book together instead of watching TV. We’re definitely trying that! (He doesn’t know it yet…but I’ll let him pick the book.) Anyway, thanks to you and Natalie for your examples of joy and positivity. I found Natalie from a bofm365 comment, and started following both your instagrams because your posts are so uplifting and full of love. Thanks :)

  8. Emily Gutman Aug 20th 9:02 pm

    Great post Richie! Funny thing reading about the breathing- I just learned in my yoga class tonight about the sympathetic vs the parasympathetic nervous systems, and apparently when we slow down and breathe deeply, we’re able to access our parasympathetic nervous system, which activates tranquil functions, including aiding in digestion (the human body is crazy!!), whereas the sympathetic causes more of a fight-or-flight response. So, all this is to say: yay breathing! :)

  9. Jonathan Lautaha Aug 20th 11:07 pm

    Hey brother norton! Thanks for your advice! I’m getting married in two weeks and absorb any advice on marriage. I just wanted to comment and day that I think sometimes too, we just need to stop and think, “do I want to win this argument, or do I want peace and love in my relationship? ” another thought I had was that we can’t let pressures or stresses of married life change is. Of course we want to change for the better, but we don’t have to ditch the personality that first won over or spouse. I also just wanted to comment because I want a shot at getting your book! Thanks!

  10. Malia Aug 21st 12:50 am

    Love this!!! I especially love your candy fridays :) may be something we need to adopt out here! Happy Anniversary you two! 12 years already?!?! We just celebrated 8 great years and loving everyday!!!

  11. Gina Palha Aug 21st 5:37 am

    Richie + Nat, you are both so inspiring on how you share your thoughts + powerful advice on life + business.
    my marriage has seen better days and it’s so hard to start + to build up a relationship again + sail the ship wisely + lovingly. Reading these words makes my heart soar a bit (or a lot) … so, Maybe some day you can share the ‘how-to to stop being lost in your marriage’ :)
    Thank you for being so inspiring + transparent + wise :)
    Sunny cheers from sunny me!

  12. Sarah Aug 24th 8:36 pm

    Thanks so much Richie. You and Nat always have wonderful advice but you keep it real. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Rachel Aug 25th 8:12 pm

    I love this post. I always think it’s strange at bridal showers when people give the advice, “Don’t go to bed angry.” I always say “don’t go to bed without saying I love you, even if you are angry.” Saying I love you when you’re mad speaks volumes.

  14. Conor Sep 15th 9:42 pm

    My first time on your blog, and I have just read all three series of your marriage lessons. This is beautiful, heartfelt writing, thank you for sharing these words and intentions.

  15. Heather Jackson May 21st 12:02 pm

    the straightforward candor in this article is cute. I’m sure your wife feels like the luckiest girl. I’m not married yet, but hope to find my prince charming soon! I like your tip about admiring each other. IT’s funny to watch my brother; he thrives on adoration. a pretty girl giving him some praise ignites a fire in him that can conquer anything and persuade him to be a darling. i think this would help so much, in marriage.


Natalie and I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!!! Woot woot! It was a fairy tale, whirlwind wedding. We literally got married within 2 months of meeting each other. (What!) I know. KA-RAZY. I’m not recommending that anyone do that —just saying that’s how it happened for us.

Newlyweds get all kinds of strange advice. I once told a man sitting next to me in an airport that I was going to get married. He was divorced and eager to give me a word or two of advice. He explained that his marriage fell apart when he and his ex started having different goals. Over time, this had moved them in different directions, and he attributed his divorce to this, 100%. Then and there, I determined to do everything in my power to not let “different directions” happen to Natalie and I. I determined that I would try to walk along the same path with Natalie forever.

Metaphorically, walking down the aisle together doesn’t end after you say “I do” or when you leave those chapel doors—I believe that aisle extends through eternity.


The truth of the matter is that life has a way of changing ALL of your plans. Setting goals to achieve together are important, but don’t feel hopeless if you don’t always reach them. Learn, together. Feel disappointed, together. Pick up the pieces, together. Smile, together. And move on, TOGETHER. When it comes to marriage, goal setting is more about walking in the same direction than it is about reaching any one dream.


In marriage, as long as you’re trying to walk in the same direction, you have reached the overarching goal.


I figured after ten years I should have learned at least ten lessons about marriage. So here they are: Ten ways Natalie and I have found to make sure we always “walk together.”

#10. Don’t take yourself so seriously.

Life’s too short to be short-tempered. Don’t be prideful or rigidly committed to what YOU think, want, need.

#9. Let your spouse be imperfect.

Relax, man (or woman). You’re not perfect. Let your spouse be imperfect, too. Let little things be little things. Pick your battles carefully. If you can let something slide, let it. Love unconditionally.

#8. Do what you did in the beginning.

Whatever you did to woo your woman or man at the start—keep it up. For Nat and I, we met as counselors for a church youth camp. We fell in love dancing around like monkeys. I wrote songs for her on the guitar. We taught and inspired others (the youth at the camp) to live more meaningful lives—in many ways, we were brought together by this common purpose and passion. I always respected her, praised her in public and in private, appreciated her and made sure to always tell her, “I love you.” Any time we have hit a rocky patch over the last 10 years, if we just get back to doing the types of things that brought us together in the first place, despite the difficulty in our lives, our marriage gets stronger.

#7. Tell your spouse first.

I got this one from a nice old lady I met at church in the early years of our marriage. Her advice, “Whenever something good happens, tell your spouse before you tell anyone else.” I’ve worked hard to put this advice into practice— it’s an awesome way to remember who’s most important.

#6. Disagreements happen. Just don’t let a simple disagreement turn into an all out war.

I’d wager that no married couple, the world over, could honestly say they’ve never had a disagreement. Nat and I are no exception. We’re both first children in our respective families. We both have strong opinions. We both want to be right. This combination can be a recipe for World War III. To avoid a nuclear attack, we have determined preset rules for when we disagree: 1) We never fight if we’re tired or hungry, 2) Forgive and make up as quickly as possible, 3) Don’t hold a grudge—aka don’t dig up old issues every time we have a new disagreement.

Commit to not letting a bad moment become a bad day (or week, month, year), by keeping a healthy perspective about disagreements. As Mr. or Mrs. Unknown once said, “Breakdowns can create breakthroughs. Things fall apart so things can fall together.”

#5. Have fun together.

Never let too many days go by without having real fun together. Whatever if takes, make fun a life priority.

#4. Date.

Make dates a weekly (or more than weekly) event. This goes along with #8. You courted each other in the beginning—it worked then, and it will work now.

#3. Look up to each other.

There is nothing like being told you’re looked up to. There is nothing like being genuinely admired. Magic happens when both husband and wife feel like their spouse stands on higher ground. Make the words “I love you” and “I respect you” and “I appreciate you” common, daily expressions.

#2. Don’t let bumps in the road tear you apart, let them bring you together.

When our son Gavin died, we knew that this tragedy could tear us apart. We promised each other that we wouldn’t let that happen. It took (and takes) a lot of work, but we’ve made an intentional effort to make Gavin’s death bring us closer together. It has.

When you face an obstacle, remember, you are on the same team! Allow the challenges of life to bring you closer together by working as a team to make things better.

#1. Be faithful.

Be faithful to your spouse in thought, word and deed — never stray. Don’t talk bad about your spouse to co-workers, neighbors, your mom or anyone else. Respect your spouse at all times and in all things and no matter what. Don’t say or do anything that your spouse would feel betrayed by in any way if he or she were to find out.

**If you are in a situation where you are in physical or emotional danger, talk to a trusted friend or family member. There are circumstances that warrant outside help, and there should be no shame in that.

Bonus Lessons:

  • If you have kids, live by this mantra: “The most important thing a father [or mother] can do for his [or her] children is to love their mother [or father].” – Unknown
  • Laugh, a lot.
  • Go on vacations. (Lots and lots of them.)
  • Love is overrated, work to like each other too.
  • Live intentionally.
  • Support one another.
  • Be best friends.
  • Go camping.
  • Listen to music that makes you happy—everyday.
  • Serve each other.
  • Be interested and invested in each other’s projects.
  • Be kind (in word, deed and facial expressions).
  • Take lots and lots and lots of pictures.

One more from Natalie, “Take time for yourself. Commit to personal enrichment and continuous personal learning and growth. If each spouse would consistently put in the work to be the very best ‘version’ of themselves they can be—physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually—more marriages would not only survive, they’d thrive.”

No one corners the market on marriage advice. I’d love to hear what works for you (and what doesn’t).

Written by on August 24, 2012 | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) Topics:




Natalie Norton

24 Comments post a comment
  1. /shelly Aug 24th 10:32 pm

    Fantastic and very true words! Great thoughts. Mine are: Just love, and love and love until you love even more. True, selfless devotion begats the same.

  2. diane Aug 24th 10:45 pm

    Great advice from an amazing couple and really this advice does work – trust me I’ve been married to the same great man for 31 years!

  3. Courtney (winnie) dahl Aug 24th 10:57 pm

    Richie! You are amazing. I have always looked up to you, nat, your love, and your family. You all are purely amazing. Thanks for being the best examples to me back in Hawaii. It was one of my greatest pleasures to meet you both. Anyone who knows you two, knows you have such a special bond and I have always admired that. So glad I have that now with my husband. These words were perfect, I will look up to you guys forever!

  4. JILL Aug 25th 2:21 am


  5. Erik Aug 25th 7:05 am

    great advice, richie. one that i’d add to the list is gift-giving. sure, its true that material things are less important, but it means a lot when someone unexpectedly spends thought, time, and money on you.

  6. Kim Aug 25th 3:19 pm

    For me, the most important advice is number 10. I believe that the majority of fights explode because the other one is too prideful to admit when they’ve been wrong. It’s okay to say, “You know what, I’m wrong.” That’s really helped my marriage (going on 7 years!!).

  7. Hoon Aug 26th 3:19 pm

    Ritche! You are an amazing man!

  8. Betty Herbert Aug 27th 2:11 am

    These are great! I’d add one more: once you find the love of your life, stop looking. No-one’s perfect, and your partner will have flaws just like you do. Accept these, and stop wondering if there might be someone better. Focus on the things that are wonderful about them, and work on the bits that are less wonderful. It’s a privilege to have to exclusive love of another human being, and too many people squander it.

  9. Natalie norton Aug 27th 4:26 pm


  10. josh Aug 27th 5:13 pm

    Love this Richie! thanks for sharing…Jenny and i hit 10 years next year. love the journey we’re on and glad to have you and Natalie in our lives with us.

  11. Matt Aug 28th 3:12 am

    Love this!
    I especially love #5 .. Have fun together!
    That seems like a ‘well duh’ point, but it’s actually such a crazy phenomenon that as we get older, as we get married, get jobs, have kids, etc .. simply ‘having fun’ becomes something of intentionality. Crazy!
    I often tell my wife that one of our challenges with raising our family, especially our boy, is making sure we balance the responsibility and the fun. So thanks for the words and the reminder!!

  12. Lotta kagell Aug 28th 8:56 am

    Richie, these are great advices, thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom with all of us!! from my experience of you as a realtor when we worked together on selling that house a couple of years ago, I can tell that you walk your talk, always making an effort to keep a very positive spirit!
    Big mahalo and congratulations to you and your wife’s 10-year anniversary!

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