“Richie’s words rewired my brain and touched my heart. His techniques immediately shifted my perspective and made my future accessible in the now. His insights and questions made me restructure the way I prioritize my mind and therefore my life.”
— Sirah, Grammy Award-Winning Artist
“Heart-touching and awe-inspiring! Richie Norton has faced too many hardships for one lifetime. But he’s come out the other side, with a life-embracing framework to help you reclaim your time—and live your dreams.”
―Susan Cain, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bittersweet and Quiet
“Potent..poignant…practical…inspiring…wise. If you want to put your dreams at the front of your timeline, Richie Norton will teach you how. A brilliant successor to The Four Hour Work Week. Bravo!”
— Whitney Johnson, CEO, Disruption Advisors, top ten business thinkers as named by Thinkers50
“Richie Norton is absolutely brilliant—and he’s done it again! This is an amazing book that is filled with breakthrough insights while simultaneously being immensely practical and immediately useful. Richie simplifies complex layers of work-life freedom that we all grapple with such that I’m already creating more space for my life, family and business in ways that inspire me, give me hope, and bring me joy—and I’m confident he can do the same for you!”
— Stephen M. R. Covey, The New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and Trust & Inspire
“Powerful! Anti-Time Management will help you clarify and prioritize what is really important for your life, and for your time. Richie Norton’s writing is moving and profound with personal stories that will keep you engaged cover to cover.”
— Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of Triggers, Mojo, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“We all look at time totally wrong! Richie Norton will totally reshape how you use, not abuse your time. We think lack of time is our problem when it’s really lack of attention. If you want to stop having time own you, gain total control, free yourself to do what’s really important, make time start working for you, gain the power to prosper, master true performance power…oh, and actually ‘game change’ your brain ALL in one or two ‘can’t put down’ reads—this book is the key!”
— Jay Abraham, America’s #1 Marketing Expert
“Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with The Power of Time Tipping by Richie Norton absolutely blew me away. I will never think about time in the same way. Norton’s message of attention prioritization and time creation is groundbreaking and will help you find harmony between work and life priorities. If you want more time in your life you’ve got to read Norton’s latest masterpiece.”
— Rhett Power, Co-founder Accountability Inc. and Forbes Columnist
“Richie Norton is meant to be your mentor. His latest book, Anti-Time Management simplifies the essence of radically taking control of your time and thereby your life! Richie tips traditional entrepreneurial time management on its head. Instead, you’ll learn how to use flexibility without slipping into inconsistency. And because one size does not fit all when it comes to goal setting – you’ll love his uniquely flexible approach. Save yourself from burn out… Read this book!”
— Chalene Johnson, Lifestyle and Business Expert, Speaker, NYT Best Selling Author and Top Ranked Podcaster
“Anti-Time Management marks a new era.
Read this book to prosper in life, business and make the most of your precious time on Earth. Richie’s right! Anti-time management is the new time-management. Richie Norton is a longtime mentor of mine. What he teaches in this book is exactly what helped me go from broke student to 7-figure bestselling author and entrepreneur—all while enjoying my growing family without compromise.
Awe-inspiring read!”
— Dr. Benjamin Hardy, Bestselling author Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation
“Richie Norton always brings a killer combination of strategy, values and heart to anything he does. Anti-Time Management is no exception. It has the perfect combination of pragmatic frameworks and revolution-invoking motivation. If you read this book and follow its advice, you will come out a clearer, happier and more productive person.”
— Pamela Slim, author of Escape from Cubicle Nation and The Widest Net
“Anti-Time Management brings the fire! This book will unleash your ability to transform your time into freedom in ways you’ve never dreamed. Richie and I have worked together for years using the Time Tipping principles he teaches to flexibly and seamlessly make complex projects profitable. Richie Norton will show you how to automate what you don’t want to do to support your autonomy in everything you do want to do. You’ll find joy in becoming a Time Tipper, as I have.”
— John Lee Dumas, Bestselling Author of The Common Path to Uncommon Success, Award-Winning Host of Entrepreneurs on Fire
“If you’re looking to start something new, you need time, and if you want the blueprint for how to actually get things done, Anti-Time Management is it. Richie has broken down the exact ways you need to take control of your time and manage in a way that gives you results. I’ve worked with Richie and have used a lot of these strategies myself, and can 100% vouch for what this book will do to change your life.”
— Pat Flynn, CEO of Flynndustries, and Host of the Smart Passive Income Podcast
“Richie Norton has written a book about freedom that will change the way we think about time management forever. You’ll learn how to think long-term and take the right steps to create the life you want.”
— Dorie Clark, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Long Game and executive education faculty, Duke University Fuqua School of Business
“Richie Norton’s Anti-Time Management follows a pattern that’s helped me become one of the most streamed recording artists of our time…and I do piano music. When we behold ourselves to checklists we deny ourselves of being led by a higher power that wants us to succeed in every adventure we pursue. Thank you Richie for reminding me, and all of us, our God given power to co-create things that never were before, things that will improve the life of all those around us.”
— Paul Cardall, No. 1 Billboard Artist with More than 3 Billion Streams
“In this book, Richie has served up a perfect mix of one-off lessons and life experiences; combined with takeaways, action steps and a paramount reminder that time truly is our most valuable commodity. Sometimes it’s the obvious advice that we need to hear the most, and Anti-Time Management hits home over and over again. This book is a must for anyone who wants to be prolific in what they do, without the distractions stopping them from doing it!”
— Chris Ducker, Bestselling Author of Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive and Build Your Dream Business
“What if we decided what kind of life we wanted, and then designed our work to build just that? A revolutionary concept, but one that is easier to achieve than you might think. Richie Norton shows you how he did it, and how you can, too. You can’t walk away from reading this book without second-guessing everything.”
— Laura Gassner Otting, Washington Post Bestselling Author of Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life
“Richie is a MASTER at simplifying big ideas into actionable takeaways. Richie illuminates flaws in the way we use TIME that are impossible to unsee. This book is a step-by-step guide to designing the life you were meant for.”
— Hank Fortener, Music Executive, Founder of AdoptTogether.org
“Being coached by Richie Norton and applying his Time Tipping principles is like viewing life from the summit rather than the trailhead. I went from busy lawyer with little time to joyfully living my personal values as a husband and father with time for what I love—all while my business expands to impact more lives than I ever imagined in support of our ideal lifestyle. Anti-Time Management is productivity unhinged. This will have a generational impact on my family. It is legacy building in the most important facets of life. You cannot put a price on the value to business, life, and family that Richie delivers.”
— AJ Green, CEO of Grnobl Land Co.


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In 2016, my wife had a stroke. She lost the ability to speak. She lost her memory. We were in the car driving to the airport for a trip to New York. We had just lost our 3 foster children who we hoped to adopt. I took her to the hospital. Over time here memory and speech came back. The doctors told us there was no damage they could see and couldn’t help us. She was told to live life normally. But how? My wife and I discussed going home and ending the trip before we started. She wanted nothing to do with that plan. She said she couldn’t live her life scared. She got on the play anyways. Alone. She was going ahead of us (that was the plan already) for a conference. A friend was meeting her in NY. She’s so brave. I gave her a card so if she forgot her name they could call me…then I remembered she’d probably forget the card. :-) Hahah! I’m so bad. Sorry. :-) Long story short… …we ended up on the road from New York to San Diego and Mexico to Canada on a 6 month road trip before moving back to Hawaii! An incredible time of healing for our family. But, …in Hawaii we had a bad dude with a hidden agenda take advantage of our family financially. We figured out our life anyways. Then, …our son was randomly hit by a distracted driver and almost died crossing the street. He miraculously healed. You see, …all of this happened just a few years after my brother in law died in his sleep at 21 and later my son died of Whooping Cough (Pertussis) at 3 months. We’ve learned a few things from our circumstances… – Life is INSANE. – I’ve learned that life is a tunnel, not a cave. – I’ve learned to love God unconditionally. God didn’t punish us with a string of tragedies. These instances are unrelated. Loving God instead of blaming God when things go wrong has given us the ability to increase love and faith and put our hands to work. Never blame God for your troubles because God doesn’t make trouble. Life just sucks sometime. There are a few mottos I try to live by: 1. Your life should consist of more than commuting, working, eating, surfing the Internet, sleeping and watching TV. Your life should be filled with purpose-driven experiences and projects that bring excitement, passion, energy, and authentic meaning and joy into your life. 2. If you want to trust yourself, make decisions that are grounded in your authentic principles. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat. Don’t push others down to obtain success. 3. TIME: Today Is My Everything You can tip time in your favor even in the midst of tragedy if you focus on one thing: courage. Courage includes activities outside of your comfort zone. Confidence includes activities inside your comfort zone. If you can stretch your comfort zone out to where your dreams exist, the courage it takes to reach those dreams transforms into confidence. That’s why I believe in creating a “ruckus” and uprising. A ruckuslist isn’t about checking off to-dos, it’s about who you become in the process. Two things to consider: – Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us. – Opportunities will come and go, but if you do nothing about them, so will you. LOOK: My new “Show Page” is just launching. I’d love it if you’d “like” our page as we build a new community of cool people looking to do good and make meaning. We will be sharing practical principles you can use to create a freedom lifestyle through entrepreneurship and traveling with family and friends…immediately. Life is short. Even though that’s cliche, it doesn’t make it any less true. I create businesses that don’t take away from my time, but instead, create more open and free time to focus on my highest priorities, creativity, family and fun. You don’t feel like your best self when you fall apart, but you have to fall apart to become your best self. You gotta make it a priority to make your priorities a priority. What’s your priority? Who do you want to be? You’ll know what to do when you know who you want to become. Side note: If you read this far…wow! I like you. Thanks for watching this show. Please share it around! Please tag anyone who might enjoy it or find it helpful. My wife Natalie and I (Richie Norton) appreciate it! Woot woot! Quick ask: What’s your favorite quote? Tag someone. There are people looking for inspiration out there. Would love to know what inspires you. Thanks! Aloha!Posted by Richie Norton