Richie Norton

Start stuff

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“Perfect book for these uncertain times.” — Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media

“Today I have over 120 million YouTube views; it only seems like yesterday when people thought that following my dreams could only be a hobby. Fortunately, as Richie teaches, ‘stupid’ was the smartest thing I could do.” — Devin Graham, content creator for the YouTube channel devinsupertramp

Today is a day I’ve been dreaming of for a very long time. I can’t believe it’s finally here!!! It’s unreal, scary and thrilling—all at the same time.

Thank you to my beautiful wife Natalie—again and again (times a million plus infinity)—for all of her love and support over the past six (yes, six!) years as we’ve researched, written and poured our souls into this book project.

To YOU— Thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this book and helping give legs to this movement.

Now. . .


I have a couple of goodies / incentives for those of you who have bought (and are buying) the book for yourself, friends, family, coworkers and people who need a kick to start crushing fear, making dreams happen and living without regret!

“Once in a great while a new author bursts on the scene to light a fire under us. Richie Norton is that rare spark… Be smart: read The Power of Starting Something Stupid.” — Jack Canfield, New York Times bestselling author of The Success Principles, and cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series



I’m going to make this simple: BUY BOOKS, GET COOL STUFF. Read on!


THE DETAILS: If you buy one or more hardcover books of The Power of Starting Something Stupid (this offer does not apply to electronic versions, sorry), as a gift from me, you will receive an audio copy of Résumés Are Dead and What to Do About it!


  1. Buy one or more copies of The Power of Starting Something Stupid
  2. Share this post on social media
  3. Like my new book’s fanpage
  4. Receive an audio copy of Résumés Are Dead and What to Do About it (RAD)!
  • To receive your gift, simply email your receipt of purchase to


This is the one I’m REALLY excited about!

WHY: Before I explain WHAT I’m doing for those who choose this purchasing option, I’d like to explain WHY I’m doing it.

This book is more than words on paper; this is a manifesto for a movement.

This isn’t just a book. It’s so much more than that. It’s a call to action. It’s an invitation to all to stand up, get real and make great things happen in their professional and personal worlds—an invitation to create lives rich in genuine meaning and fulfillment, lives rich in authentic success. 

In the book, I discuss the power of S.T.A.R.T. (Serve, Thank, Ask, Receive and Trust). What I’m doing here is offering you the opportunity to experience the very real power of START in action—with collaboration and guidance along the way!

THE GOAL: I want to bring like-minded people together—people who want to live their lives on purpose. I’m looking for people, from all walks of business and life, who want to build connections, credibility and community. I’m looking for people who are willing to stop waiting and start doing—people who are ready and willing to crush fear, make dreams happen and live without regret.

THE DETAILS: If you buy 11 or more books (you can even purchase them with a group of 10 friends if you want—more on that below), in addition to the free RAD audio, you will have the opportunity to become a part of my Inner Circle (which I talk about in the book) as we embark on The 76-Day Challenge (also mentioned in the book) hand in hand. You will be invited to join an exclusive, private Facebook group where you, other members of the Inner Circle and myself can post, chat, coach, consult and discuss our projects together over the duration of the Power of Starting Something Stupid 76-Day Challenge. It’s going to be awesome!

Additionally, those who purchase 11 or more books will be invited to attend three live teleclasses (which will be recorded for those with scheduling conflicts) over the 76-day period. These telecasts are an opportunity for us to learn together, discuss and process principles in the book on a deeper and more personal level, and to encourage one another to get from where we are to where we truly want to be. This is a very rare opportunity.


  1. Buy 11 hardcover books or more (or get 10 friends + you to purchase the 11 copies) of The Power of Starting Something Stupid (this offer does not apply to electronic versions, sorry).
  2. Share this post on social media.
  3. Like my new book’s fanpage
  4. You will receive an audio copy of Résumés Are Dead and What to Do About it (RAD), and have access to my Power of Starting Something Stupid Inner Circle to participate in the 76-Day challenge, and have access to three live Power of Starting Something Stupid telecasts over the 76 day period.
  • To receive your gift, simply email your receipt of 11 purchases to (if you are a group of 11, please submit ONE email and attach all 11 individual receipts).


Q. How does it work?

A. When you email your proof of purchase, I will respond with a link that will allow you to download the audio of R.A.D. If you are purchasing OPTION TWO, along with that email, you will receive a link to a contact form that will allow you to enter your (or your group’s) information to begin the challenge together and have access to the teleclasses.

Q. Do I have to buy all 11 books myself?

A. No. Buying 11 books yourself is the simplest way to get into the group. However, you can also gather 10 friends who have bought books and submit 1 email with all 11 receipts. NOTE: I don’t want 11 separate emails. I want one email from one leader of your 11-member (or more) group to email the receipts all in one email. From there I will send you a form to fill in the names and contact info of each member of your group.

Easiest for you: 1) someone buys 11 (or more) books, sends me the receipt and then gets a link to a form to put in the names and contact info of who they gave the books to so they can be a part of the group. Or, 2) you go ask your family, friends, coworkers and on social media and ask who else has bought a book (and especially encourage people to buy the book :-)) so they can be a part of your group.


MORE QUESTIONS? Email me at (Please don’t email me at those other emails with any questions as we may not be able to respond.)



“I absolutely love this book. I love how it makes me feel. It energizes me, inspires me, and gives me confidence. It reminds each of us that all things are possible. . . .This book disrupts conventional thinking—in a smart way.” — Stephen M. R. Covey, New York Times and the #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Speed of Trust and coauthor of the #1 Amazon bestseller Smart Trust

“When I wrote The E-Myth Revisited, I wasn’t an author and I really wasn’t interested in business, but I had discovered something about business that nobody else seemed to see, or understand, and I decided to write a book about it. It came like a gift, a huge aha from out of nowhere, and I ran with it. Today, that ‘stupid’ idea (everybody told me it wouldn’t work!) has created the most successful book on small business ever written because of that one, great stupid idea. I thought I was just lucky. Richie just told me that I’m in really good company. Find out why stupid is now the New Smart. Read it, you’ll love it, you’ll find out why thinking stupid makes the best sense in the world.” — Michael Gerber, the world’s #1 small-business guru and author of the bestselling The E-Myth Revisited

“More than just a call to action. This book is a demand for it. One chapter in I felt an involuntary impulse to reexamine my life. Later chapters held my hand as inevitable considerations came up from that process. An important, compelling and authentic read.” — Joseph Grenny, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Crucial Conversations and Change Anything

Personal messages from readers to me and around social media:

“All I want to do is read my advanced copy of Richie Norton new biz book but I have kids to put to bed and lessons to prepare for school tomorrow… it’s better than Downton Abbey to me which is saying A LOT. Richie is brilliant and we share so many of the same beliefs about how to start and grow business that I’m beyond grateful that he’s taken the time to write this book. Chapters 1+2 are awesome so far!”

“OK..I couldn’t wait to tell you this until I finish.. THIS IS AMAZING STUFF. Gavin’s law has been in my heart for years and the pure truth that is coming off these pages is not only poignant but electrifying. Ok, I just had to say it.”

“Completely engulfed by Richie Richie Norton’s new book. So many great lessons only within a few pages of each other. One of my favorites so far: “It’s not the circumstances that we should feel threatened by, it’s the fear of the circumstances that poses the real threat.””

“So far, chapter 8 is my favorite!! Still have 5 chapters to go, so that may change. But 8…man that got the ideas spinning for me.”

“I don’t think I’ve read a book that fast in a long time.  There were multiple parts that moved me to immediate action as well as long-term planning.  I have pages and pages of notes and I have greatly appreciated the multiple layers of inspiration it has provided me.  Thank you for taking the time to put these ideas down.”

“Thank you for this. I am taking my girls on a 3 month trek around the world and everyone is saying Im crazy for spending the money. This validates my gut feelings that this is my window to have these experiences with my kids before they leave my nest and have their own lives. If I wait till Im 65 they will be to busy with their own families. I totally agree with your post!”

Written by on March 5, 2013 | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) Topics:

Power of Starting Something Stupid

7 Comments post a comment
  1. Jen Mar 05th 10:00 pm

    way to go Richie!! LOVE the book!! So excited to be sharing it with everyone I know!!

  2. Leonardo Portela Mar 06th 2:41 am

    Meu irmão… traduza seu filhos para seus amigos brasileiros!!! hehehe. Te amo!

  3. Leonardo Portela Mar 06th 2:42 am

    Opa… eu quis dizer seus ‘livros’ e não seus ‘filhos’, foi mal.

  4. Mark Mar 29th 7:01 pm

    Richie: came across your book in Deseret book last saturday…finished it today, 6 days later! One of the best, and most inspiring/motivating books ive read in a long time! Wish i’d found it in time for the bonus offers! Nevertheless, a fantastic read. Thank you!

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  6. Diane May 07th 10:44 am

    I’ve been sewing and selling custom made clothes for kids since 2004 and never really figured out exactly in what direction I wanted to go until I read your book. Now I know what to work on. I’m working on opening a store where other dressmakers and crafters of children’s products can display and sell their products. I will continue sewing but I would like to focus my talents on sewing for underprivileged children. Thanks for the encouragement.

  7. valorar libro Jun 01st 1:01 am

    No conocia que Michel Nostradamus escribio algo
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For the Love of Books

Photo Credit: Amelia-Jane

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” 

― Marcus Tullius Cicero


However, they’re not easy to write. No sir.

Ernest Heminway once said, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Robert Frost said, “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” F. Scott Fitzgerald explained, “All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath.”

Writing is a beast.


When you hold a book, you hold a work of art. An artifact of someone’s ideas. Ideas which have been carefully crafted, honed and researched for over a year or two (six years in my case).

“I cannot live without books.” 

― Thomas Jefferson

When you look at a book, you are literally looking at something that someone (actually, probably an army of people if it’s traditionally published) slaved over, cried over, stressed over, poured over. You’re looking at something that took many sleepless nights and an ocean of courage to put into the world. Something someone took a chance on. Something someone was willing to take a risk for. Something someone felt so strongly about they left themselves vulnerable and exposed to critique and perhaps ridicule.

I don’t consider myself a good writer. I’ll leave that to Twain. However, trying to write has given me the greatest respect for writers.

Writing takes guts.


I haven’t revealed much yet about my new book The Power of Starting Something Stupid. So here’s a little something I’m really excited about. Before a book goes to press, you send out your manuscript to people you admire in hopes they’ll give you an endorsement–a blurb. It’s been thrilling to receive endorsements. In fact, they make my mom cry. (Hi, Mom!) Here’s one from one of my heroes Jack Canfield:

“Once in a great while a new author bursts on the scene to light a fire under us.  Richie Norton is that rare spark.  His certainty that the secret to success is to start something stupid is right on and will alter your future.  Thirty publishers thought Chicken Soup was stupid before it sold over 100 million copies.  This new book could not have come at a better time and Richie’s urgent and authentic style is readable, convincing and a compelling blueprint for success.  Be smart: read The Power of Starting Something Stupid.”

— Jack Canfield, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Success Principles, and cocreator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series

I’m humbled that Jack would give such a glowing blurb. My goal is that the book will be a source of inspiration for some of the coolest things you do in life and business. I hope The Power of Starting Somethings Stupid helps you to live a life of adventure. To turn those crazy ideas (dreams) inside your head into reality, help you influence the world for good and help your career / business thrive.


(Cell phone picture of the digital version of the galley on my laptop.)

The book is at the “galley” stage. I’ve written it (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!), with the help of my beautiful wife, Natalie.  A couple weeks ago the book was typeset at the publishing house. The fonts were chosen. The pages were numbered. The artwork and models were polished and placed. The cover art and dust jacket were refined. I received the digital copy and thanks to the hard work of my gracious publishing team at Shadow Mountain, the book looks gorgeous.

All I want to do now is curl up in my bed and finally get some sleep. But I can’t. I’m too excited. I can’t wait for you to read it. Actually. Not really. I can’t wait for you to read it and then go and do something you’ve always wanted because you feel inspired and armed with principles and tools to make stuff happen.

I wish I could just get the book in your hands right now! But alas, traditional publishing is a slow process. There are a million steps between the time the book goes from an idea, to selling the idea to a publisher, to writing the book (yes, I sold it before I wrote it), to being edited, to rewriting, to going to press to hitting the shelves. Perhaps I’ll write a post on the book process another day, but I digress…

A very limited run of galley copies have gone to press and are being sent out to the media for review. SO EXCITING!

Note: Galleys (or “uncorrected proofs”) are rare, privately released copies of the book. They are an expensive pre-publication—also known as an advance reading copy (ARC). The galley is unique because it may still contain errors. Also, changes will most likely be made after the galley is printed and before the book is finalized for retailer distribution.

Birthing a book is an interesting process to say the least.

16 Comments post a comment
  1. Marc allred Dec 22nd 5:39 pm

    COngrats bud! Hope you get to pursue some of those ideas we talked about. i’m still interested in helping if needed. good luck!

    • Richie Norton Dec 22nd 5:41 pm

      Thanks, Marc! I’ll be in touch for sure.

  2. Kent west Dec 22nd 9:14 pm

    I’d love to flip through this! Looking forward to the release and hearing success stories (and stories of failure for that matter excuse that is when we learn the most!)

    • Richie Norton Dec 22nd 9:29 pm

      Thanks SO much, Kent!

  3. Kent west Dec 22nd 9:16 pm

    * because…not excuse, dang small iPhone keyboard

  4. Jesse Jan 05th 10:56 am

    This post was really inspiring. I am in the first stages of writing a thesis and seriously overwhelmed right now. this was a good boost. Thanks Richie.

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Was Twitter a “Stupid Idea”?

Above artwork by the amazing Meredith.
Click here to subscribe: get bonuses and updates on The Power of Starting Something Stupid.

Want to change the world?

Big change often starts with something simple—we all know this (and could likely provide a dozen valid examples at the drop of a hat). But what we don’t know, what we don’t always recognize, is that big change just as often starts with something “stupid.”

Case in point, Twitter?  What on Earth was/is stupider than Twitter? Yet I challenge you to name anything that has had as profound an impact on the world of social media (in the entire history of the Internet). Sure, it’s easy to look at the major micro blogging platform we now know as Twitter and immediately see the brilliance behind it—but at it’s inception? Do you think you would have seen the potential, the sheer genius? (If so, high five. You’re likely very far outside the norm.) The truth of the matter is that in the early days, nobody got it. Even some of Twitter’s own engineers weren’t convinced of it’s viability.

From the Wall Street Journal :

“’A lot of people thought it sounded stupid,’ Stone [co-founder of Twitter] said. ‘Even some of our engineers weren’t interested.’”

Nevertheless, they pressed on with their high and mighty (and fantastically grandiose) goal, “to change the world.” As in, their goal was literally to take this idea that everybody else said was stupid, and change the world.

Here’s what “twttr” looked like before it became Twitter.
Photo by Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter.
Click on the link above to read the backstory in Jack’s own words.


For a myriad of reasons, many people stop themselves from setting big (aka: real) goals and dreaming big (again: real) dreams, and that’s simply not OK. It leads to living life always wondering “what if. . .?”

You’ve got to get your goals/dreams out of your head, and down onto paper where they belong. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, isn’t that what they say? In the world of dreams and goals, the first step is putting a pen to paper . . . it’s how you really own what you want out of your life.

Don’t know how to begin? Here are a few simple scenarios to help you get started:

What would you do if. . .

  • lack of time wasn’t an issue?
  • lack of money wasn’t an issue?
  • lack of education and experience weren’t issues?

Scribble down whatever idea(s) come immediately to mind, and there you go. These are likely some of the most significant goals/dreams of your life.  Soooooo, GET TO WORK. Begin where you are. Start small. You never know what might happen. You may just change your life and even the lives of countless people around you. At the very least, you’ll be offering yourself the ability to live your life without wondering, “What if . . .?”


—I have finally adopted Twitter (I can hear jaws dropping all over the world). I may have been slow to jump onboard, but I’ve posted more than 200 tweets chock-full of happy quotes, pictures and good news, to help myself, and whoever else sees them, stay inspired and make the most of each day. Twitter is more fun than a barrel of monkeys, well maaaaybe. . .a barrel of monkeys would be pretty fun, too! Either way, you can follow me here.

—My book The Power of Starting Something Stupid has been (the most challenging and) the most important project I’ve ever worked on. I’m thrilled with the way it’s coming together. I can’t wait to share more information with you soon! Stay tuned!

24 Comments post a comment
  1. Aaron Dec 11th 11:05 am

    What’s up Richie!! Just want to say that i have been in a funk lately…but I re-read your book resumes are dead and it reminded me to keep doing what I love to do and to do more with the skills and passions that i have been blessed with. Mahalo braddah!!

    • Richie Norton Dec 11th 11:21 am

      You’re awesome, Aaron! Thanks for the nice note. I know what funks are like. No fun. Glad something in the book helped. Keep making waves!

  2. kimberly oyler Dec 12th 8:57 am

    love the idea of pursuing your dreams as real possible things. that is not my natural mindset! Thanks richie! and thanks again for the kindle fire! still loving it!

    • Richie Norton Dec 12th 9:40 am

      Thanks SO much, Kim!!! You’re awesome. Glad the Kindle Fire is keeping you warm. :-) Thanks for following the blog.

  3. Natalie Norton Dec 13th 8:34 am


    • Richie Norton Dec 13th 8:40 am

      Thanks SO much! Love you!

  4. Natalie norton Dec 13th 8:35 am

    *proud your MINE, not MIND, because that means nothing.

  5. Darci Laidlaw Dec 13th 3:48 pm

    Very Excited to read your book! The title is spot on. IN 2013 I have plans to do something I’ve always wanted to….record an album. Maybe it will only have 2 songs on it. Maybe it will only ever be heard by my kids and family. But I’ve always wanted to do it, and no matter how “stupid” it might feel to be a 30-year-old mom of (almost) 4 recording a little self-produced album, i know that if it’s my dream, it’s something worth doing. :)

    • Richie Norton Dec 14th 8:44 am

      Love that, Darci!!!!

  6. A thought picture to go with yesterday | Mark Gedeon Jan 01st 9:30 am

    […] I found this article today and thought I would continue yesterdays thought. This is an interesting read: […]

  7. Luke Gedeon Jan 02nd 7:59 am

    Our stupid idea is to build the best castle ever. We are building a website first that will be a planning ground for the castle as well as the top destination for info about castles and the middle ages. reason for trying to make the site popular is to attract the thousands of people with different skills and abilities that will be needed to pull this off.

  8. Make The ConnectionsBelieve You Can Build Your Ship - Marc Allred Jan 27th 6:22 pm

    […] everyone has some kind of greatness waiting to be unleashed.  Others might call your dreams stupid, may think you are unwise, and some may even try to hurt you because you follow your dreams.  But […]

    • Richie Norton Jan 29th 3:46 am

      Amazing! Thanks, Marc!

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  10. Bertelur - Sound Stupid? Dumb Business Ideas That Turned Out to be Pretty Smart Dec 11th 9:06 pm

    […] the name sounds stupid. According to a Twitter co-founder Biz Stone (yes, real name), even the engineers thought it was a stupid idea. But Twitter’s initial public valuation exceeded $30 billion. And it’s changed the way […]

  11. The Last Laugh: Why Good Ideas Are Often Ridiculed at First… | STARTUPS WAVE May 17th 8:37 am

    […] Twitter, which has seen better days but rocked the world with an initial $30 billion valuation, was thought to be a “stupid” idea by its engineers, and even one of its […]

  12. The Last Laugh: Why Good Ideas Are Often Ridiculed at First… – STARTUPS May 17th 12:11 pm

    […] Twitter, which has seen better days but rocked the world with an initial $30 billion valuation, was thought to be a “stupid” idea by its engineers, and even one of its […]

  13. The Last Laugh: Why Good Ideas Are Often Ridiculed at First May 17th 12:41 pm

    […] Twitter, which has seen better days but rocked the world with an initial $30 billion valuation, was thought to be a “stupid” idea by its engineers, and even one of its […]

  14. The Last Laugh: Why Good Ideas Are Often Ridiculed at First… | Startups Access May 17th 2:22 pm

    […] Twitter, which has seen better days but rocked the world with an initial $30 billion valuation, was thought to be a “stupid” idea by its engineers, and even one of its […]

  15. The Last Laugh: Why Good Ideas Are Often Ridiculed at First… | STARTUPS PLAN May 17th 8:11 pm

    […] Twitter, which has seen better days but rocked the world with an initial $30 billion valuation, was thought to be a “stupid” idea by its engineers, and even one of its […]

  16. The Last Laugh: Why Good Ideas Are Often Ridiculed at First… | Startup Rates May 24th 10:23 am

    […] Twitter, which has seen better days but rocked the world with an initial $30 billion valuation, was thought to be a “stupid” idea by its engineers, and even one of its […]

  17. The Last Laugh: Why Good Ideas Are Often Ridiculed at First – Online Company Card Jul 16th 8:20 pm

    […] Twitter, which has seen better days but rocked the world with an initial $30 billion valuation, was thought to be a “stupid” idea by its engineers, and even one of its […]

  18. Why Good Concepts Are Typically Ridiculed at First - News Business Insider Oct 01st 6:52 pm

    […] which has seen higher days however rocked the world with an preliminary $30 billion valuation, was regarded as a “silly” concept by its engineers, and even considered one of its […]

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