Richie Norton

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LIVE Workshop Announcement + Free T.I.M.E. Mantra Poster!

Scroll down to get details on my first ever LIVE workshop! 

But first, I have a Christmas present for you! Grab this awesome poster that I call the “TIME Mantra” now!

TIME Mantra-pink-Richie Norton

T.I.M.E. – Today Is My Everything

T.I.M.E. is my mantra—Today IMEverything. The moment currently I’m in is the only one I’m guaranteed. I’ll spend it with intention and care. . . because I can. Yes, I can. I can do this. And I must. This is my time. The world needs my unique talent and contribution. No one else can do what I do, the way I do. I’ll intensify my efforts. Double them. Triple them. I’ll act with urgency. I have ONE life to live, and this is it. No more tomorrows. Today is the day. What matters to me, matters to the world. I will tap into what matters to me, on the deepest level of who I am, and I will act from that authentic core. My life has meaning. This is my chance to create purpose-driven experiences, to bring excitement, passion, energy and joy into my own life . . . and into the world at large. I won’t just take time, I’ll Make time. I’ll SHAKE time. I’ll revolutionize the way I embrace time in my day-to-day life. I’ll crush fear. I’ll dream. I’ll do. I’ll live from a space of intention and purpose. I am uniquely talented. There’s not another soul like me, anywhere—past, present or future. I’ll Serve,Thank, Ask, Receive and Trust. In short, I’ll Live to START, and I’ll START to live. I’ll start something stupid. I will create, ideate, innovate, initiate and inspire. Today. I will get as close to my dreams as possible, as soon as possible, and I will achieve the impossible. This is not a dress rehearsal. This is my LIFE. And I will live it—wide awake. The world needs me. The work needs me. I need me. I’ll show myself, be myself, believe in myself and BELIEVE MYSELF. This is my TIME.


Special thanks to Scott Trobaugh for the beautiful poster design!

Register for Richie Norton’s First Ever LIVE Workshop!!!


I’m coming to a city near you!!!

I’ve created the STUPID SUCCESS ACADEMY to help you earn more and increase freedom in business and life. I’ve surveyed a TON of people about my first ever LIVE workshop and I know exactly what you want and need. I’ve listened. You want me in California, Arizona and Utah. So instead of making (many of you) come to me, I’m coming to you!!!

My workshop is called Time Is the New Money: How to Cash In” and it’s revolutionary! Be there.

The first 10 people to sign up get 50% off PLUS an extra free ticket!!! What!? What!?




I’m going crazy. I’m offering an early bird 50% discount plus FREE extra ticket to the first 10 people that sign up for my “Time is the New Money: How to Cash In” LIVE workshop  — my course on helping you expand your income, increase your available time for family, friends, freedom and lifestyle and get a step-by-step plan to grow your business this year with special bonuses. Special early bird offer closes soon.


Think about the last time you met someone who you truly trusted. Someone you could share anything with and they’d listen, with no judgement, and help you go from where you are to where you want to be. I want to be that for you like I am for my clients.

I want to show you the possibilities, help you overcome the challenges, avoid traps, give you the world’s best modern strategies, tactics and insights that you can implement now.

The benefits you’ll gain are critical and urgent to creating success. If you want to start a business, you can. If you want to grow your business, you can. If you want to stay at your job and move up the ladder, you can. If you want to stay at your job and start something on the side, you can! It’s your life!

YOU decide what you’re going to do with it.

That means you’re responsible for doing what it takes to go from where you are to where you want to me.

Dreaming is cool, but living the dream is where it’s at!

There will never be the perfect time to start, will there? You have to begin where you are. Successful people make things happen, regardless of circumstance.

As Thoreau said, “Begin where you are and such as you are, without aiming mainly to become of more worth, and with kindness aforethought, go about doing good.”

Remember, the first 10 people to join “Time Is the New Money: How to Cash In” 2-day workshop will receive these exclusive bonuses:

1. 50% off

2. 1 Free extra ticket with your purchase

This special offer for you is VERY LIMITED!

Join “Time Is the New Money: How to Cash In”:




To success,


P.S. If you’ve ever wanted to increase your income and design your ideal lifestyle, I can show you how to leverage your existing resources – even if you don’t have the perfect idea yet. I’ve helped thousands of people, and if you’ve ever wanted to transform your business and life, NOW is your chance. Where will you be six months from now? I want you to be able to look back and be proud you took this essential step to creating the business and lifestyle you want. Join “Time Is the New Money: How to Cash In.” 

2 Comments post a comment
  1. Kris Jan 14th 9:27 am

    I love your mantra – Time is my everything. So true, and so easy to waste in today’s distraction-filled world.

  2. conveyancing Jul 13th 10:14 am

    It’s hard to find well-informed people for this topic, however, you sound like you know
    what you’re talking about! Thanks


Repped - By Andy Beal



Andy Beal is globally recognized as one of the top thought leaders in online reputation management. He also happens to be a friend (and an insane ukulele player). We first met years ago at a conference I helped out with in Hawaii. Andy, Sheila (his wife), Natalie (my wife) and I all had breakfast at Hukilau Cafe and the rest is history. Andy and Sheila are the kind of people you just want to always be around. They’ve been an incredible inspiration to Natalie and I.

I’m honored to share with you Andy’s latest book, Repped: 30 Days to a Better Online Reputation (a follow up to his book Radically Transparent). I had the privilege of receiving an advance reader copy. Let me just tell you this: this book will set you up for life. Go google your name. What happens? Do you like what you see? Do online searches represent the authentic you? I’ve talked about the importance of a personal brand before. It’s important to your career and can affect both your professional and personal life. A solid online reputation will serve you everyday of your life.

You and your business already have an online reputation (whether you like it or not). Many of us feel like we have no control over our online reputation. That’s simply not true. Why passively leave it up to the search engines to tell your story? Andy Beal’s book is an incredible, 30-day action plan that can help you build a better online reputation for yourself, your business, brand and/or organization.

Every page seems to have practical advice that keeps me jumping back and forth between the book and my computer to put the principles into practice. This book covers everything from “what is online reputation management” to “finding your centers of influence” to “earning trusted reviews” and even “cleaning up the Google mess.” And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Here’s a little video to help explain more about the book and online reputation management. Go get the Repped and polish up your online reputation in 30 days.


P.S. 30% of profits in the first week of sales go to these three charities: The Jimmy V Foundation, The Wounded Warrior Project, and The Raleigh Rescue Mission.

Written by on February 3, 2014 | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) Topics:

Book Review


Personal Branding

4 Comments post a comment
  1. Andy beal Feb 04th 4:28 am

    Mahalo for sharing my new book with your readers Richie!

  2. Tad D. Butt Mar 26th 2:15 pm

    Last week my 32 year old son (Jason) found out he has brain cancer. He had a large tumor removed on Friday. He and his wife and three little girls are facing some scary times.
    Jason and I love to play in the big waves of the North Shore. That is where I met Richie (at Byu-h). My mind went there as I sat in the hospital.
    When Jason and I started to go to Hawaii to play in the big waves at Wiamae beach, we both got hurt by being pounded on the sand by the breaking waves. Eventually by watching and talking to our Hawaiian friends we learned a few things.
    1. Always face the waves, never turn your back on them.
    2. Watch the horizon and the rhythm, so you can estimate what is coming.
    3. If you get scared because the wave looks too big- run at it and dive into it as hard as you can. The Hawaiians say “when in doubt, paddle out”.
    4. You cannot outrun the waves , and if you try it will eat you!
    Surfing the big waves is a lot like life. Our first instinct when facing something scary or unknown is to run, hide or shut down, but that often is the wrong path. We need to face the ocean, understand its power and our inability to control it. That it can destroy us , unless we face it. And then run toward it and dive through the wave, paddle hard and sail over the crest of the breaker or drop in and ride it. Once you learn to understand your place in the waves, it is not longer scary- but magical and wonderful!
    All my love to those in the waves,

  3. Aug 19th 2:06 pm

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  4. brand marketing Aug 30th 5:17 pm

    The popular belief is that IT and Computer Science are the
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So what are you going to do about it?

Pam Slim, best-selling author and world-renowned career coach, shows us the way. Her new book Body of Work: Finding the  Thread That Ties Your Story Together  is powerful, practical and jam-packed with inspiring stories that will help you build upon everything you’ve done so you can take your career and life to the next stage.

This book literally took my breath away. I had the privilege of receiving an advance copy and am honored to share my thoughts about it with you. This book is not a one-time read. It’s a guide that I will refer back to again and again to develop my career. I promise you that spending the tiny amount of change it takes to buy this book will reward you many times over. Get it here. It comes out today (December 31, 2013).


My copy of the book has almost every page marked or folded over as I learned how to tie my own story together to build up for my next big adventure. I pretty much got obsessed with underlining and taking notes on this one. Body of Work complements The Power of Starting Something Stupid as well as Resumes Are Dead and What to Do About It  so well that I found myself literally jumping with excitement and almost cheering Pam on as I read lines like these:

“No one is looking out for your career anymore. You must find meaning, locate opportunities, sell yourself, and plan for failure, calamity, and unexpected disasters. You must develop a set of skills that makes you able to earn an income in as many ways as possible.”

“Your body of work is everything you create, contribute, affect, and impact. For individuals, it is the legacy you leave at the end of your life, including all the tangible and intangible things you have created. Individuals who structure their careers around autonomy, mastery, and purpose will have a powerful body of work.”

“The reality is that in order to create your body of work you must rely on all of your ingredients, even those that you might not consider relevant to your professional career.”

“We are all self-employed.”

“In the new world of work, our ability to create a powerful body of work is what will determine our ongoing employability.”

“Your creative work will tell your story.”

“One of the most wonderful, and terrifying, things about life is that we have no idea how it is going to turn out.”

“Fear is an essential part of the creative process. Work with it, and you will create a powerful, full-color, full-contact body of work.”

“The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of your stories.”

This book navigates you through finding your roots, choosing your work mode, creating and innovating, surfing fear, forming a team, defining success and (my favorite part) selling your story.

If you want to learn how to really take advantage of all your opportunities (seen and yet-to-be-seen) and learn how to launch (or relaunch) your personal brand, then read this book.

Watch the book trailer here.

P.S. One of the parts of the book that really got me thinking was when Pam tells a story about her mixed martial arts Master. He had her do an exercise where she and three other opponents had to wrestle each other for control of two training pads on the mat. (You need to read the story to get the full effect.) At the end of the exercise, the Master said, “Some of you are holding back on your training…You need to realize you are playing to win. When you are faced with a real-life situation when someone has your back on the ground, you will be fighting for your life. Are you going to fight halfway then?…You have to learn to flip on your winner switch.”

Boom! That last line hit me like lightning. You have to flip on your winner switch!

Are you holding back? Fighting halfway? Or are you playing to win?


Written by on December 31, 2013 | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) Topics:

Book Review


Personal Branding

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