Benjamin Hardy PhD — Personality Isn’t Permanent

Benjamin Hardy PhD — Personality Isn’t Permanent
S1 E36: Benjamin Hardy PhD — Personality Isn’t Permanent
Richie Norton interviews longtime client Benjamin Hardy PhD about his new insights from his book Personality Isn’t Permanent: Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and Rewrite Your Story. On this podcast (and in Ben’s book), you’ll learn to “Transform and heal from traumatic experiences that have limited you and your goals,” “Become emotionally flexible so traumatic or challenging future-experiences don’t stop you,” and “Become the person you truly want to be, and then, to upgrade yourself and evolve again and again.” This podcast will give you hope to overcome your past and live today with greater courage. Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist and bestselling author of Willpower Doesn’t Work. His blog is read monthly by millions of people and has been featured on Forbes, Fortune, CNBC, Cheddar, Big Think, and many others. From 2015-2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on Medium and is a regular contributor to Inc. and Psychology. He and his wife Lauren adopted three children through the foster system in February 2018 and, one month later, Lauren became pregnant with twins, who were born in December of 2018. They live in Orlando. Ben shares how he read Richie’s book years ago, reached out to Richie for coaching and eventually they started working together. Richie asks questions that only he could ask and they discuss Ben’s works from Willpower Doesn’t Work, their shared experiences and how to “Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and Rewrite Your Story.” This podcast holds powerful life lessons in personal development, context over content and ideas to help you change. Discover how to change your environment and change your past with context so you can change your life and your future for greater happiness, accomplishment and fulfillment. You can purchase Dr. Ben Hardy’s books and receive limited time bonuses at

Click here to listen (or search on your favorite podcast publisher):
S1 E37: How to Create Desired Personal Change
Discover the truth of personality and how your desired personal change can be “dramatic and directed,” as Ben teaches. Richie takes you through the things he’s learned from Ben over the years and from the Personality Isn’t Permanent interview. These insights are unique and useful to help you live life on purpose. Ben says, “Design your environment to make achieving your goals inevitable.” This podcast will help you practice this principle to adapt, create and live fully. Your personality is constantly changing whether you realize it or not. Why not intentionally shape who you become?
S1 E38: How Ben Hardy Makes Money (and You Can Too)
Richie goes solo and shares with you behind the scene insights of how he taught Ben Hardy business models and how he implemented and monetizes his ideas. Richie takes you a step further to share ideas and how you can learn to make money with your own ideas whether you’re an author, artist, or inventor by acting on entrepreneurial principles to innovate (bring your idea to market).
On July 2, 2016, Ben wrote an article in Inc titled “How I Made $21,000 In 7 Days With This Simple Strategy.”
In this article Ben writes, “Two months ago, I had a conversation with a mentor of mine, Richie Norton, an online marketing guru. Richie taught me a concept many entrepreneurs learn too late in their careers, if ever. “You’re better off having one client at $1,000 than 10 clients at $100,” Richie said.” This podcast shares with you more about how that worked, how that one tactic was only one piece of a larger strategy and how you can create business models that work with your own ideas….and then grow them into new business ideas that serve your audience well.
You can read that article here:
You can apply to make your own physical products at — Richie’s company for entrepreneurs who need to manufacture, package, ship, warehouse and fulfill physical products.

What is an Aftercast and a Solocast?
Every Interview is followed by what I call an Aftercast and a Solocast. So. each episode becomes a three-part training. These mini-trilogy trainings can be listened independently. I’ve included the Aftercast and Solocast for those looking to create significant, meaningful life and business transformations.
All improvement is self-improvement.
I invented / coined the term “aftercast” to mean an in-depth, post-show review of the interview show I do with my guests to serve my listeners as mini-training for greater implementation. An aftercast is a reward for action-takers interested in the topic(s) my guest. My aftercast podcast draws primarily from my guest’s content as the subject material for life and business lessons.
The solocast piece in this three-part scenario is the last episode in the podcast training trilogy. In a solocast, I teach my listeners entrepreneurship, life lessons and more drawing primarily from my own teachings, philosophies, experiences and works around the topics discussed with my guests.
If you listen to all three parts in what I call a podcast stack or podcast stacking, you will 1) learn from an expert in an interview format, 2) take a deep dive into the expert’s content as if it were a high-level training or masterclass on subject-matter strategy, and 3) learn additional ways to from me on how I implement the information and you can to as a practical, hands-on approach.
Strategy is in the head. Tactics are in the hands. Results are in the heart.
The Richie Norton Show podcast stacks are similar to the stuff trainers sell for a lot of money because they are valuable. I know because I do sell this stuff, my clients sell this stuff and we buy this stuff. It’s that good. Hope you enjoy this free content…free is a fast way to spread a message but my fear is that you won’t take it for the value it can provide. I hope the effort to listen will help you learn, launch and live for the better–whatever that looks like for you.
Dream big and act on the small things.
Listen Here to The Richie Norton Show Podcast: Happiness, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle, Productivity