Stephen M. R. Covey — SPEED of Trust — with Richie Norton

Stephen M. R. Covey — SPEED of Trust: How to Stay Red-Hot Relevant with The One Thing That Changes Everything (Advanced Learnings, Implement Now) — Interview with Richie Norton on The Richie Norton Show Podcast
S1 E5 Stephen M. R. Covey — SPEED of Trust: How to Stay Red-Hot Relevant with The One Thing That Changes Everything (Advanced Learnings, Implement Now) with Richie Norton
Listen to the episode right here, right now with with just a click:
Or, listen on your favorite podcast platform – Search “The Richie Norton Show.” This episode is rare, includes exclusive Q&A and content that will transform your ability to trust yourself, trust others, build trust, restore trust and create trustworthy environments that will increase the speed of your business and personal interactions for greater success.

The Richie Norton Show: A Podcast for Happiness, Entrepreneurship, Lifestyle and Productivity (Self-H.E.L.P)
Stephen M. R. Covey — SPEED of Trust: How to Stay Red-Hot Relevant with The One Thing That Changes Everything (Advanced Learnings, Implement Now)
#5. The SPEED of Trust — This episode is insane. Learn advanced principles from longtime mentor of Richie, Stephen M. R. Covey (!) on how to create environments of trust, trust yourself, trust others, be trusted, restore trust and more.
“The first job of a leader—at work or at home—is to inspire trust. It’s to bring out the best in people by entrusting them with meaningful stewardships, and to create an environment in which high-trust interaction inspires creativity and possibility.”
― Stephen M.R. Covey
Leadership Development Pioneer Stephen M. R. Covey is a New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The SPEED of Trust—The One Thing That Changes Everything, which has been translated into 22 languages and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. He is co-author of the #1 Amazon bestseller Smart Trust. He is the former CEO of Covey Leadership Center, which, under his stewardship, became the largest leadership development company in the world. Stephen personally led the strategy that propelled his father’s book, Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, to become one of the two most influential business books of the 20th Century, according to CEO Magazine.
As President and CEO of Covey Leadership Center, Stephen nearly doubled revenues while increasing profits by 12 times. During that period, the company expanded throughout the world into over 40 countries, greatly increasing the value of the brand and enterprise. The company was valued at $2.4 million when Stephen was named CEO, and, within three years, he had grown shareholder value to $160 million in a merger he orchestrated with Franklin Quest to form FranklinCovey.
Stephen co-founded CoveyLink with Greg Link, a consulting practice, which focuses on enabling leaders and organizations to increase and leverage trust to achieve superior performance. Stephen recently merged CoveyLink with FranklinCovey, forming the Global Speed of Trust Practice, where Stephen serves as Global Practice Leader.
A Harvard MBA, Stephen co-founded and currently leads FranklinCovey’s Global Speed of Trust Practice. He serves on numerous boards, including the Government Leadership Advisory Council, and he has been recognized with the lifetime Achievement Award for “Top Thought Leaders in Trust” from the advocacy group, Trust Across America/Trust Around the World.
Stephen is a highly-sought after international speaker, who has taught trust and leadership in 55 countries to business, government, military, education, healthcare, and NGO entities.
Please welcome Stephen M. R. Covey.
We can chat here about the conversations we have on the podcast. So rad. So fun. SOOO good!
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S1 E6 Experience is Overrated: How to Practice the 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders
#6. STEPHEN M. R. COVEY AFTERCAST MINI-TRAINING: Richie takes you on a mini-training deep dive that will help you put into play The SPEED of Trust principles, practices and the 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders to increase your relevancy, credibility, character and competence (based on his interview with Covey and works).
Richie also shares insights he learned from Stephen R. Covey (Sr) personally and why you need to avoid having a hidden agenda.
“Effective people lead their lives and manage their relationships around principles; ineffective people attempt to manage their time around priorities and their tasks around goals. Think effectiveness with people; efficiency with things.” ― Stephen R. Covey, Principle-Centered Leadership
Richie goes deeper into his conversation with Stephen M. R. Covey and how experience is overrated and the importance of continuous learning and improvement by asking you series of thought-provoking questions to help you implement the principles here and now.
S1 E7 How to Trust Yourself: Do You Trust Yourself Enough to ______ ?
Fill in the blank with whatever is top of mind, whatever is most important to you, whatever you want to do but you’re scared to do it. How to you increase your confidence so you can move from your comfort zone (the things you’re currently doing) to the confidence zone (the place you want to be or the things you want to do or the circle of influence you want to reach).
How do you trust yourself when you are faced with fear?
Learn the counterintuitive ways to push through fear, right here. Do you trust yourself? How do you develop that ability to increase your trust in yourself and others? Download this episode and increase your capacity to trust yourself and others. Please share this episode with people you love and/or work with to help them learn how to build from trust and create an accountability partner for your projects. Trust. And be trusted.
What is an Aftercast and a Solocast?
Every Interview is followed by what I call an Aftercast and a Solocast. So. each episode becomes a three-part training. These mini-trilogy trainings can be listened independently. I’ve included the Aftercast and Solocast for those looking to create significant, meaningful life and business transformations.
All improvement is self-improvement.
I invented / coined the term “aftercast” to mean an in-depth, post-show review of the interview show I do with my guests to serve my listeners as mini-training for greater implementation. An aftercast is a reward for action-takers interested in the topic(s) my guest. My aftercast podcast draws primarily from my guest’s content as the subject material for life and business lessons.
The solocast piece in this three-part scenario is the last episode in the podcast training trilogy. In a solocast, I teach my listeners entrepreneurship, life lessons and more drawing primarily from my own teachings, philosophies, experiences and works around the topics discussed with my guests.
If you listen to all three parts in what I call a podcast stack or podcast stacking, you will 1) learn from an expert in an interview format, 2) take a deep dive into the expert’s content as if it were a high-level training or masterclass on subject-matter strategy, and 3) learn additional ways to from me on how I implement the information and you can to as a practical, hands-on approach.
Strategy is in the head. Tactics are in the hands. Results are in the heart.
The Richie Norton Show podcast stacks are similar to the stuff trainers sell for a lot of money because they are valuable. I know because I do sell this stuff, my clients sell this stuff and we buy this stuff. It’s that good. Hope you enjoy this free content…free is a fast way to spread a message but my fear is that you won’t take it for the value it can provide. I hope the effort to listen will help you learn, launch and live for the better–whatever that looks like for you.
Dream big and act on the small things.